

(Code: 81198-01)
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(1 Item(s) In Stock)
Radio FILSER ATR 833 LCD. The VHF Funke radio ATR833 is a complete solution for tiny aircrafts with the new canal separation 8,33KHz. The spacing between canals may be switched between 25 kHz and 8,33 kHz. The interphone controls an integrated VOX which work with 4 microphones (2 standards, 2 dynamics). Every headset can be settled separately. 2 memories are available in addition of standards function. The user can define until 100 frequencies to build a proper database. In addition, the 10 first frequencies can be reminded. Its 57mm diameter allows settling easily on aircrafts and planners. The installation of the ATR833 LCD is recommended by planners and devices on which seeing the display is made from the face. Compatible 8.33kHz. Functions: Easy to use – Intercom function – Possibility to include a Jeppesen base. Technical date: Frequencies: from 118000 MHz to 136975 MHz. Canals accessible out of 8.33 kHz – Transmitting power: 6 W – Supply: from 10.5V to 14V – Consumption: nearly 150 mA and 1.8A while transmitting. Dimensions: diameter 57 mm, nearly 220 mm long with connectors – Mass: nearly 700 gr – Certification: EASE.21O.0193 – The package includes: the VHF Filser ATR833 – The connector EASE Form 1
1,713.28 €
1,593.35 €
Radio FILSER ATR 833 LCD. The VHF Funke radio ATR833 is a complete solution for tiny aircrafts with the new canal separation 8,33KHz. The spacing between canals may be switched between 25 kHz and 8,33 kHz. The interphone controls an integrated VOX which work with 4 microphones (2 standards, 2 dynamics). Every headset can be settled separately. 2 memories are available in addition of standards function. The user can define until 100 frequencies to build a proper database. In addition, the 10 first frequencies can be reminded. Its 57mm diameter allows settling easily on aircrafts and planners. The installation of the ATR833 LCD is recommended by planners and devices on which seeing the display is made from the face. Compatible 8.33kHz. Functions: Easy to use – Intercom function – Possibility to include a Jeppesen base. Technical date: Frequencies: from 118000 MHz to 136975 MHz. Canals accessible out of 8.33 kHz – Transmitting power: 6 W – Supply: from 10.5V to 14V – Consumption: nearly 150 mA and 1.8A while transmitting. Dimensions: diameter 57 mm, nearly 220 mm long with connectors – Mass: nearly 700 gr – Certification: EASE.21O.0193 – The package includes: the VHF Filser ATR833 – The connector EASE Form 1

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