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The Weather VFR pilot - French book

(Code: 90134)
23.00 €
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(2 Item(s) In Stock)
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The idea of writing such a book has been suggested by inspectors pilots who see too many times that VFR pilot candidates have some gaps in reading and understanding flight weather documents, in combination with atmosphere state graphic representation. This book is not pretentious enough to pretend answering every afferents questions that might be asked about the complex mechanism of the atmosphere. It only brings one sort of analysis synthesis so that the pilot might exploit his meteorological documents. The goal is to know how to link atmosphere general courant characteristics, associated clouds and observation and prediction messages, to conclude on an animated satellite image if it is possible. Even if learning meteorological codes is tedious, this guidebook will help you decrypting messages more easily, thanks to delicate meteorological situations example. With a little bit experience, the pilot will be able to have an idea of the weather really quickly during a VFR flight. Based on his knowledge, he will have a critical spirit, more relevant and will be able to compare the predicted situation with the real one, so that his flight might not be endangered and might fly with no surprises. 3rd edition