| (Code: 90130-FR) French version Chris Heintz is an aeronautical engineer with a 50 years career in designing and construction of light aircrafts. Recognized in the entire world like a talented and accomplished developer ...
| (Code: 90110) Aircraft pilot guidebook 11th edition. Progressive, educational, guarantor of a successful teaching because efficient and gratifying, this guidebook presents you the theoretical, technical and practical, knowledge and expertise needed...
(Code: 90154)  To build his own aircraft. This technical book is destined to everyone who pilot or wish to build a metallic conception aircraft. This adventure can’t be lived without a minimum of technical knowledges and building advices. This is what this book proposes through photos and many illustrations which allow the next builder to have a better apprehension of this activity. The editorial is destined to an audience which is already familiarized with technical vocabulary. Many boxes spangle the book to attract reader’s attention on particular points of the building. There is no need to be a technician in aeronautic to immerge in reading this booklet. At the mercy of pages, amateur builders will be able to avoid many pitfalls and to undertake the plane’s building in the biggest serenity. Every chapter is complemented by drawings realized by the author in order to have a better understanding of some paragraph. Anyway, such a practical and indispensable book for every person who want to launch into the construction of an aircraft.
| | (Code: 90159) 500 questions for aircrafts / drones pilots. This booklet prepares to theoretical exam by relying on more than 500 questions to multiple choices which he explains solutions with bright explanation. This guide will also offer to the experienced pilot to win quickly in knowledges thanks to its index pages with key words: drift and deviation, QFR, QFF and QFU, magnetic cap, compass cap, etc. An aeronautic glossary, frequent confusions remind and a classification through big themes makes this book a smart and indispensable toolbox to measure progression before presenting itself to the evaluation. Warning: this booklet if, primarily, a pedagogic tool allowing to measure the progression and won’t match point by point to your future exam course.
| (Code: 90155)  Aerian drone. By realizing a global photography of the world of drones, industrial industry constantly evolving, this booklet establishes a situation point about the subject, particularly defining those machine real added values, and its complementarity according to lived aircraft. By taking care of technical, economical and regulatory stress, it highlights what refers to reality, fantasy or pure communication. In addition, presenting many ways of reading, this one addresses to both the specialist who was born in the aeronautic culture and the new practicing. For this reason, it has been conceived as a tool, which helps you decrypting actuality; both in general press as in the professional one. Its French and English lexicon of acronyms will give you terminology keys allowing eventually to deepen some researches on the web. Finally, by telling the origin and the filiation of those automatized systems, the book “the aerian drone world” explain their classification, and their characteristics established according to their use level and dedicated missions. It opens one window at a time on civilians applications, and on future programs which go from the tiniest scale to spaceship domain.
| (Code: 90160) 700 questions plane private pilot PPL – 6th edition. This booklet brings together more than 700 questions with multiple choices and prepares to the theoretical exam of plane private pilot, according to European guidelines. Result of team work, its originality is based on providing a commented answer to every question, with the pedagogic concern to propose the candidate to review on the actual state of his knowledge from fundamentals questions, completed and in-depth to reach the requested level. W
(Code: 90138) Comic book Aviator – Flying girls. What would aviators men be without aviators women? In this third volume of the comic book “Aviators”, Gil Roy and Vincent pay tribute (?) on their way to aviators women...
| (Code: 90137) Aviator comic book – Frequency 123,5 – Each. Aviators are back! With a humor still percussive, Gil Roy and Vincent deliver a new series of Sunday pilots daily chronicles. The two authors, private pilot and member of an aero club ...
| (Code: 90165) Plane manual progression booklet
(Code: 90166) Box including six books about the great war: - Aviation pioneers – Great War hunter – Great War bomber – Great War observation, recognition and school – Great War seaplane – Great War aerostation
| (Code: 90133-01) The briefcase duo ppl: The plane pilot guidebook 17th ed. + Steering lessons 4th ed.
| (Code: 90111) This is a dictionary destined to everybody who takes care of aircrafts, hang glider and paragliding, for amateur pilots, competitors, instructors, journalists, competition organizer and globe trotters of the flight without strain...
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(Code: 90125)  This initiation to the helicopter is a real first. Complexes functional aspects of this device are explained easily, thanks to a succession of colorful images supported by an attractive text. This guidebook is addressed by to a large public: curious, neophyte or specialists (pilots, engineers, mechanics, aeronautics teachers.) For the most curious, this is a surprising and exciting discovery. For the neophyte, this is the essential and sure base which will allow him going further in the helicopter knowledge. Thereby “théorie élémentaire de l’hélicoptère” is the tool future pilots and technicians have always wanted. For the specialist, this is both a reference publication and a back to basics. The author, who used to be responsible of the “education” department of the helicopter division of EUROCOPTER society, gives us the synthesis of its long theoretical experience and use of helicopters. “Théorie élémentaire de l’hélicoptère” is used by the company EUROCOPTER to train pilots and technicians of its military and private customers.
| (Code: 90164)  This book has been redacted by a team of trainers and pilots who have a huge experience in aeronautic training. Authors attached to present different type of aircraft, to explain the functioning of their constitutive elements and to describe the environment the device is evolving. This document has been redacted for high school students so that they could prepare with success the Aeronautic Initiation Certificate. It can also be used as a support for secondary teachers who want to present the Aptitude Certificate to Teaching Aeronautic. Those lasts, as well as aero clubs trainers, will find in these book explanations, schemes and needed pictures to this teaching. Everybody who want to discover the aeronautic world will also be interested. Main chapters are: Aircrafts description, aerodynamic, engines, flight mechanics, aircraft constitutive elements, navigation, flight instruments, meteorology, plane environment and the description of a light plane flight, space introduction, evolution of the aviation throughout History.
| (Code: 90118) Autogyro and its technic - Weight: 200 gr - Each
(Code: 90136) Aircraft, secrets from the dream to the use, Miguel HORVILLE. A practical, pedagogic and rational approach of this leisure, vector of freedom and passion. Discussed subjects are several ...
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(Code: 90162)  Learn how to pilot an aircraft. This book’s essential goal is to help the aircraft or light plane future pilot (or the already certificated pilot), in the application of a piloting learning method. Authors have kept rigor they imposed in their previous volume (workability of the PPL), staying focused on the “piloting” part but adapting, stress-free, with a lot a facility, to multi axes aircrafts. An introduction to aerodynamic and flight mechanic is developed, stripped with all mathematics formula or complex physics. Is also proposed a chapter dedicated to phraseology on a non-controlled area, and a glossary adapted to aircraft. Humoristic watercolor go with every chapter. Authors, thanks to their pilot experience (from the paragliding speed to MACH 2), and trainer (gliding, single and multi-engine plane, multiple axis aircraft) allow themselves giving advices about human and safety determinants, to keep staying in a world full with liberty… And the pleasure of flying. 2nd edition, 192 pages.
| | (Code: 90133)  Private pilot briefcase – 17th edition. Progressive, pedagogic, warrant of a successful teaching, this guidebook presents you theoretical, technical, useful and essential data, knowledge and practice necessary. This book is really useful and necessary to the student-pilot who will find a reference support, reliable and experienced. It also is a safety tool for the teacher. It is a relevant way to maintain knowledges and skills for the already patented pilot. In this 17th edition, regulations changes linked to the SERA (the new European Standard of the Air Regulation) are taken care of. The guidebook is structured in seven phases in a way to make easier the acquiring of knowledge progressively during progression, but taking into account the organization of the theoretical exam, syllabus relating to the “common” test are marked in order to facilitate the review on knowledge about an exam or another. The booklet of progression, included in the briefcase (see details downer) of the student, used to include a poster allowing measuring the pedagogic progression of the student; we added a new table called “Progression control” leaving the instructor the liberty to choose the formula, the support, which fits better to him. The briefcase also includes synthetic cards made with reinforced paper, making the knowledge assimilation easier: a four pages weather reminder and a card Preparing and managing your flight. The index wealth is a precious help: - for the student, allow an efficient learning and review work – For the teacher, makes his research easier. The figures table is a second precious tool; we find in there 544 figures.
(Code: 90109) Gliding pilot handbook 11th edition. This book, regularly updated, is the base element of the formation method of planners’ pilot. It presents every knowledge and expertise needed to get the Planner Pilot License and its extensions. Conceived to link theory and practice, it follows your progression, from the first flight until the canopy flight above campaign. It has been realized with the help of Centres Nationaux de Vol à Voile de La Montagne Noire et de Saint-Auban. After a full inventory of needed knowledge for a pilot, it has been redirected and illustrated by three instructors pilots from the Service de la Formation Aéronautique et du Contrôle Technique: - Gabriel Chenevoy, trainer, pilot chief, high level competitor, then test pilot – Jean Michel Thellier, instructors trainer, high level competitor, then airline pilot - Robert Prat, instructors trainer, pilot chief, high level competitor. 324 pages
| (Code: 90129) This book must help future aircraft pilots, candidate to the theoretical exam aircraft common core, preparing and especially succeeding this test no matter the class he intends to and the selected option: pilot or trainer...
| (Code: 90102) The paramotor guide
| (Code: 90124) The Petit précis de navigation à l'usage des pilotes ULM - While stock last
| (Code: 90120) This only happen to others! Volume 2. Instructor in aero club and amateur builder of a RV-4, Denis Rolando-Eugio gives importance, in this book, to analyze many aeronautics incidents or accidents (plane, planner, aircraft) ...
(Code: 90149) This book is destined to plane private pilot. Very practical size to slide in a flight bag, it will be the regulatory memento, useful and easy to consult, in many occasions. Every chapter fits to a regulatory part, indispensable to preparing and executing a VFR system flight. The reader will find in there every regulatory basics according to the aerial circulation and air transport. 7th edition – 116 pages
| (Code: 90161) Teach me navigation – 2nd part. After writing the first two parts “Draw me a plane!” and “Teach me the plane”, authors kept working and presented a subject which will allow going out from airfield circuit: Navigation and Radionavigation should be treated, respecting the presentation of comic book base. This volume will complete flight and on ground instructions of the pilot. The exercise description and the different calculations detail allow a better understanding of evolutions, well preparing trips and fly in safety. The G.P.S, most and most used device and authorized, finds it place in the new book which should, thanks to its high pedagogical quality, satisfy instructions requirement for the benefit of student pilots. This also is an amazing reminder, a rewind of processes to trace a circuit on a navigation map.
| (Code: 90135) Teach me the plane! Logical following of the first volume “Draw me a plane”, this booklet teaches the elementary plane steering through drawing. Still faithful to the comics book style, this new book more technical...
(Code: 90112) The previous edition of this book gave both the French and English public the possibility to initiate to many modern technologies linked to the increasing development of both aeronautic and spatial industries. It is updated, seen and enriched of hundreds of words and expressions which will facilitate the technician and translator keen on aeronautics and space job. As a recap, this aeronautic technical dictionary can only answer to people who just want to improve their knowledge about the amazing and evolving world of the aeronautics and space.
| | (Code: 90103-1) The author invites you, in the first chapter dedicated to mechanic, to discover the autogyro in every details, from the wheel to the rear wheel, studying the calculation of motorization necessary to the device you want to realize...
(Code: 90148) The key points of the PPL and the basics certificate. Private pilots don’t always have the opportunity to deepen a few points more or less delicate to flight technics. Particularly, mass and centering essential notions, performances, aerial spaces, navigation and deviation are badly seen in general. The goal of this new CD-Rom is to clarify every point thanks to explication elements associated to animations or simulations and vocal commentaries. You’ll find chapters below clearly developed: Stability – Mass and Centering (with animation and centering study simulator) – Performances (with full take off performance simulation) – Altimetry (everything about the private pilot, with many animations) Aerial spaces (which is a must-known) – Navigation (with navigation simulator + VOR and a really realistic weather dimension – Night flight (really full + videos)
| | (Code: 90140) Helicopters derived of the first lineage helicopter R22 conceived by Franck Robinson are nowadays the most sold civilian helicopters in the world. Its honorable performances ...
(Code: 90100) This third edition of « Precis du pilote ULM et avion léger » stayed faithful to qualities which made their success : provide to the future pilot, just like the patented pilot, a basic and easy to use work. In that direction ...
| | (Code: 90147) Planner monitor and forecaster at Meteo France, the author has always been trying to understand atmospherics movements which allow non-motorized aircrafts to stay in the air...
(Code: 90147-A) Planner monitor and forecaster at Meteo France, the author has always been trying to understand atmospherics movements which allow non-motorized aircrafts to stay in the air...
| (Code: 90134) The idea of writing such a book has been suggested by inspectors pilots who see too many times that VFR pilot candidates have some gaps in reading and understanding flight weather documents ...
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| (Code: 90101-5) VFR phraseology guide – 4th edition. Phraseology is one of the most important elements of the aerial safety. This is the transmission support of data and clearance, fundamental for the smooth running of your flight...
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